Thursday, February 10, 2011

Women's Association at Plymouth Church


Unfortunately the Women's Association at Plymouth has had to cancel their luncheon this Wednesday.

We have rescheduled for Wednesday, APRIL 20, at 12:00 pm.  I will be presenting a slide show discussing my travel and work in Nepal to the Women's Association at Plymouth Church.  It will emphasize my efforts to assist education and improve literacy by raising money to build a library in rural Nepal.

If you would like to learn more about the Library project or to make a donation please click here.

Plymouth Church is located at:
2860 Coventry Rd.
Shaker Heights, OH 44120

Please join us if you can.


Jennifer Gerard in a Bicycle Rickshaw at the front gate of the Kathmandu Guest House.

My apologies to my regular blog followers.  I have been extremely busy with back to back shows in Nashville, Chicago, Atlanta, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Cleveland again and Richmond.  My show schedule is here, if you would like to see me in person.  I will get a break from the travel at the end of March.  -Yes, I do drive to all of these places.

In between shows, I have been giving presentations trying to raise money for the library.   Lately, most of the money I have received is from people at the shows who say, "Keep the change."

I have also been attending my children's performances, designing T-Shirts and the show program for my son's play, and at the same time laying out images and text for a children's book that I've been working on.

Today, I am cleaning house because I have invited 4 show vendors to stay with us during the Cleveland show.  I will be making chicken soup and baking the "Best Bread Ever!" tomorrow. Link for the vendors at the Intergalactic Bead Shows.

There hasn't been much time to read or write recently, but hopefully, I will get back into the groove soon.

As my gift to you, I am leaving you with my "Best Bread Ever!" recipe.

1 C. uncooked oatmeal
2 C. boiling water
2 pkgs. yeast dissolved in 1/3 cup water
1 tsp. salt
½ c. honey
2 Tbs. butter
2 ½ C. to 3 C. white flour
1 ½ C. to 2 C. whole wheat flour

Directions: In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast.  In a big bowl, put the oatmeal and add the boiling water from your teakettle, also add salt, honey and butter.  When this mixture has cooled, add the dissolved yeast and the flour.  Knead 7 to 10 minutes.  Let it rise twice, once in the bowl and once in two pans.  Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 to 40 minutes. (If you are in Nepal, I'm afraid you will have to make a few adjustments.) Read more: High Altitude Yeast Baking


  1. That's awesome Jennifer. I'm still working on my box...slowly... but it won't be long before it'll be ready to send off.
    thank you for the recipie!

  2. You are such an inspiration. Thank you so much for the bread recipe - I think I'll make it this weekend as my husband is making soup.

  3. I hope things are going well with your shows. I wish I could send some extra energy to keep you rolling with all the work you have. I admire so much the efforts you are making to provide a voice for the people of Nepal. Good wishes and blessings to you, Jennifer!
